If marketing and selling isn't your STRONGEST skill…

How do you expect your business to grow?



with a proven, step-by-step program created by a multiple six-figure handmade small business owner that reveals how YOU, too, can grow your business to reach your dreams.

If you're a small business owner, you already know that growing your business is NOT as simple as coming out with a GREAT product and sales magically come flying to you...

I wish it was that simple! But if that was the case… you wouldn't be here!

If you're like most business owners that I've worked with, chances are you love the creating part of your business and KNOW that when people try your products, they LOVE them, too...

But when it comes to actually getting your products in the hands of MORE people to fulfill your passion & purpose & dreams... you might find yourself thinking:

“I'm questioning everything, satisfied with nothing, doing and redoing everything... there HAS to be an easier way because I’m working on my business with EVERY spare minute of my time and I don't even know if what I'm working on will make much of a difference.”

Maybe you get overwhelmed to the point that you sit in front of your laptop, not knowing WHERE to begin so you decide to take a break... but then you feel guilty for sitting down to watch a TV show for 20 minutes because there are "SO many other things I should be doing right now!” and it's starting to feel like you’re all over the place, juggling a MILLION balls at once. 

Maybe you’ve done every market. You’ve tried every pop up. You’ve sold at every coffee shop that you could get into on weekends. And you might feel frustrated, because obviously you want to spend time with your friends and family, but instead you work on your business all weekend long because you haven’t gotten the results you want and you don't know what else to do.

And maybe, deep down, you’ve been feeling lost for quite some time, to the point that you might be thinking "If I’m not able to get more sales, I might have re-think my business... and I don't want to even THINK about that because I'm all in, I don't want to do anything else... so I HAVE to figure this out..." 

I get it… and it’s not your fault. 

We were told that growing a successful small business is about being at the "right place at the right time"

And that couldn't be further from the truth

When your business speaks FOR you, then you can sell online at ANY time instead of stumbling around with market after market, hoping to be at the "right place at the right time."

Growing your business is simply a matter of MARKETING your products in a way that stands out from your competitors and successfully SELLING your products across multiple platforms TO create consistent online sales.

And maybe you’ve felt like you've been treating your small business like a side hobby… but secretly you want it to grow into something that you are PROUD of.

Maybe you want to grow your business so you can actually ENJOY life in a way that you haven’t been able to since you started your business.

Maybe that means finally having extra spending money to go to your FAVORITE concert with your friends without thinking twice about the money or having the luxury of taking your ENTIRE family on vacation to the sandy beaches of Mexico.

Or maybe it just means showing yourself what you truly are capable of and that you have a place in the small business world.

But how do you expect to grow your business into something that you are PROUD of that makes those dreams a REALITY, if “business,” "marketing," AND "selling" isn’t your zone of genius? 

Well, if you're not quite sure how, you're in luck... 


Product Biz Academy

Inside Product Biz Academy, you learn long-lasting MARKETING and SELLING strategies to get your products in the hands of MORE people and build the dream business (and life) that you've wanted from the start... 

When you enroll, you get instant access to a proven, step-by-step program with 6 main modules and 4 unbelievable bonuses that become your competitive advantage, putting you light years ahead of everyone else, and shows you exactly how to stand out, get in front of more customers, make more money, GROW your business and REACH your dreams.

THIS is your chance to prove to yourself what truly IS possible.

Let me show you what's waiting inside Product Biz Academy once you become a member...


How to make your products STAND OUT in a competitive marketplace 

Before we get to selling, you first have to know WHAT your brand stands for and HOW to portray your brand so you can actually stand out to customers AND retailers... and you do this through branding that connects, top notch labels & packaging that stand out, and photography that captivates the shopper.

Inside Module #1, you'll discover:

 How to create your brand guidelines (visuals, logo, fonts, colors, brand vibe) that are MEMORABLE to your audience & shoppers by defining your specific target audience, discovering the true PURPOSE of your business, understanding the true PROBLEM that your products solve, and connecting with your target audience with your re-defined branding - so your brand stands out from the noise and so you can separate yourself from your competitors

 How to uplevel your unboxing experience, product labels and marketing cards for customers & retailers - including the exact details you should have with plug-n-play templates - that elevate your products, make them Insta-worthy so your customers share about them instantly, and so your products sell THEMSELVES on stores shelves and on e-commerce platforms like your website, Etsy, Faire, and more

 How to uplevel your photography so each photo shows your product off to the world in the MOST stand-out way possible so YOU catch the attention of customers and retailers online to bring in more sales - including how to find a professional photographer that matches your vibe, the exact photos you need across ALL selling platforms to stand, how to create a shot-list and more for a SEAMLESS photography session that elevates your business

Here's why branding separates you from the REST:

Kendra from DayDream Division did a complete rebrand to connect with her target customer... and got an instant order of 280 products!

When Kendra first joined Product Biz Academy, she thought she needed to be the sticker brand for EVERYONE. After joining, she learned the importance of defining her SPECIFIC target customer; she rebranded her business and brought the new branding to her Etsy, Website and Instagram to truly CONNECT with the RIGHT customers... and got an order of 280 stickers almost instantly, making January one of her most successful months EVER.

Diana from Mota Magick had her highest sales month EVER from one of her stockists after rebranding her business & elevating her product labels!

If you are struggling to get traction with wholesale partners, online, on e-commerce platforms, or ANYWHERE that you sell your products, then your branding may VERY likely be the issue. Diana updated her packaging and labels and had her highest sales month EVER from one of her stockists, and they needed a restock from her ASAP since her products were now flying off the shelves! THIS is the importance of knowing how to STAND OUT with branding!


Price your products RIGHT and free up your time to GROW your business with inventory management

Inside Module #2, you'll discover:

• The TRUTH about best sellers, new products and seasonal products... and how to make your business work FOR you so you aren’t spending EVERY single minute of your time making products while ALSO staying relevant to your customers and making more money

• How to streamline your inventory making process and packing order process, how to organize your making space, how to batch your making and packing order processes... plus the right tools, software & materials you need to make this work EASIER on you... so you can focus your time on GROWING your business! 

• The RIGHT way to calculate the price of your products - including raw materials, labor AND overhead - so you are confidently making money on EVERY single order, covering the day-to-day costs of running your business, and already creating a buffer in place for your first employee down the line!

• How to make more MONEY in your business by reducing your raw material product costs to save money... and also by increasing the VALUE of your products through evaluating your business in specific ways so you can charge your worth and so people are HAPPY to pay YOUR prices (because we aren't MEANT to be the cheapest product out there!)

Here's how my members are able to make MORE money while working LESS from what they learn inside Product Biz Academy:

Rose from Sweet Rosie's Soaps increased her prices 4 TIMES to charge what her products are really worth... and is getting MORE orders than ever before!

Rose owns a soap business, one of the most saturated small business categories out there. When she originally joined Product Biz Academy, she was trying to be the least expensive option available in order to get more sales. But with what she learned in Product Biz Academy, she realized that she wasn't making much money at all because her prices were so low. We ended up increasing her prices 4 separate times and she is getting MORE orders than ever before... and now she's actually MAKING money!

Kelley from Maddie and Me Handmade changed the way she ran her seasonal headband business to get the best of both worlds; more sales AND less work.

Before Kelley joined Product Biz Academy, she was on the new product hamster wheel; trying to create excitement with her business by constantly coming out with new products, but it was hard to keep up with and she was spending a LOT of money to constantly buy new raw materials for new products. After joining Product Biz Academy, she learned how to revamp her inventory process to run her business EASIER, spend LESS money on raw materials, STILL provide seasonal new products to her customers but in a strategic way that led to MORE sales, AND take weekends off to actually spend time with her husband & 2 kids. All from learning how to manage inventory! Talk about a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN!


ATTRACT your audience and create a relationship that leads to DIRECT website sales 

Inside Module #3, you'll discover:

• The exact strategy on how to authentically and genuinely connect and SELL on Instagram so that you get more followers AND turn them into paying customers without feeling sales-y

• The exact stories to share on Instagram to show that your products are in DEMAND and create FOMO + excitement with your followers

• The exact posts to share on your Instagram feed to educate about your products so people KNOW what you have to offer PLUS 40 Instagram content ideas with example photos AND captions so you can get inspiration for Instagram any day that you need it!

• The exact content to share on Instagram reels to build an emotional connection with the customer, so they can start to see themselves using your products and are ready to buy

• How to create an Instagram feed that attracts your target RETAILERS who know you are a perfect, aligned fit to be sold in THEIR stores and are ready to buy your products now!

• How to EASILY get user generated content, social proof of others using your product to get your followers excited, AND exposure to a new audience for new followers and new sales by partnering with micro-influencers (WITHOUT paying them a dime)

• How to take the microinfluencer partnership one step further with collab product partnerships; a co-branded product that encourages the microinfluencer to continue to share so YOU get more sales & more exposure and THEY get a percentage of the sale

• How to create user generated content and social proof with an Instagram marketing card promotion that goes into your packages and has your customers sharing about your products on THEIR Instagram page... getting your products in front of others who are your EXACT target audience.

Here's how my members are able to reach MORE customers from what they learn...

Which one of these testimonials inspires you the MOST?

Diana from Mota Magick has store owners finding HER and reaching out to HER on Instagram to be stocked in their stores!

Diana is an MRI technologist that joined Product Biz Academy to create more passive income with her business while she works full time and raises her son. After applying Instagram strategy she learned in Product Biz Academy, she was able to truly CONNECT with her audience, to the point that retailers are finding HER and reaching out to HER to sell Mota Magick products in their shop!

Robyn from Making More made an instant $482 and gained 60 new followers after reaching out and partnering with a microinfluencer... and since then has TRIPLED her Instagram following!

Robyn sells candles, one of the most saturated categories in the small business space. She found a way to connect with her audience and make HER mark by reaching out to microinfluencers; she ended up TRIPLING her instagram followers, doubling her revenue from the previous year, going from 6 to 209 sales on Etsy with 64 5-star reviews all in less than 5 months from primarily using THIS strategy with the support inside Product Biz Academy!

Cynthia from The Cozy Thrill grew her Instagram to over 5,000 followers!

Cynthia was able to build momentum & grow her Instagram following by learning how to create viral content that OTHER people re-shared in order to get in from of more people that are READY to buy her products!


Create passive income across multiple platforms for CONSISTENT sales that come to YOU

Inside Module #4, you'll discover:

• EXCLUSIVE access to my Etsy Algorithm Secrets program, where you learn exactly how to STAND OUT on Etsy to get in front of new, loyal customers that love your products... so you can turn Etsy into a passive income, money making machine.

• The quickest way to create a wholesale linesheet (I even give you a plug and play template) and the EXACT strategy of how to pitch your products to store owners (with another plug and play template) so you know how to reach out to GET your products in stores nationwide!

• How to get accepted to Faire AND optimize your Faire listings so your products actually get in front of more buyers on so you can get stocked in MORE stores. Plus, how to strategically have a kick ass Faire Summer/Winter Market, the MOST active time for buyers on Faire, so you take advantage of the buying season and get new stockists!

• The EXACT marketing content to have on your own website that actually converts, so that when a customer goes to your website, they actually BUY your products! 

That's why my members are getting MORE orders while they work LESS! Which of these results would YOU like to see for your business?

Allison from Rocco Bee Collective created CONSISTENT wholesale Faire orders (we're talking SIX Faire orders in a span of two WEEKS!) to fuel her business instead of relying on markets and social media

Allison is a mom, small business owner, AND boutique shop owner, so she wanted to create consistent sales for her small business without having to be on social media all day everyday or at markets all weekend long. After applying what she learned in Product Biz Academy, she gets NEW wholesale orders week after week after week on Faire because she is getting in front of the RIGHT buyers and store owners!


Daisy from Little Buddha had a $10,000 sales month in January from creating MULTIPLE revenue streams of passive income, which is normally the slowest month of the year!!

Daisy joined Product Biz Academy with an extremely established business but she was wasn't sure how to take it to the next level. After joining Product Biz Academy, she built the foundation that led to $8,000 sales months, $9,000 sales months, and even $10,000 in sales.... in JANUARY! The best part is that the $10,000 month was entirely from passive income. Over 50% of the $10,000 month came from Etsy while the rest came from wholesale e-commerce platforms, stores, and her website! 

Lindsay from Stroud Simply Southern went from making $321 on Etsy in one year... to $19,400 in sales on Etsy the next year once she joined Product Biz Academy! That's over 6,000% growth just on Etsy!

Lindsay is a full-time teacher and mom of 3 kids. Not only does she have her hands full, she also sells products in one of the most saturated categories for small businesses (candles!) After joining Product Biz Academy, we took Lindsay's Etsy shop and ELEVATED it even further... and she grew her Etsy sales by 6,000% and is about to hit $20,000 in sales JUST on Etsy in ONE year! Even in one of the MOST saturated Etsy categories!

Since joining Product Biz Academy, Rose now has her products sold in 40 stores nationwide! Can you believe it?!

Before Rose joined Product Biz Academy, she only sold her products online. After learning how to get her products into stores and create another passive income revenue stream inside Product Biz Academy, she grew her wholesale business and now has her dessert soaps being sold in over 40 stores across the United States!


EXPAND your business further to get in front of even MORE people

Inside Module #5, you'll discover:

• The secret to choosing the RIGHT markets that will be a SUCCESS… so you never participate in another market that ends up being a waste of time and money 

•  How to make the MOST of markets and turn every single shopper into an Instagram follower so you can continue to grow the relationship for long term sales OTHER than just that one day of selling at the market!

• The hidden truth behind WHEN and HOW to launch NEW products so you create massive hype, excitement and SALES with your followers and customers!

• How to easily get your products in front of hundreds of NEW people by pitching your products and partnering with subscription boxes 

• How to get featured on local and national news so your business can be exposed to an entirely new audience that is EXCITED to buy from you!

Here's how Product. Biz Academy has transformed these small businesses!

Jackeline from Colorful Joy Designs SOLD OUT of her candles at a market after applying what she learned in Product Biz Academy!

Jackeline sells candles, one of the most saturated categories that you come across at markets and pop ups. And after joining Product Biz Academy, she learned how to STAND OUT at pop ups, how to CONNECT with her customers and how to authentically SELL... and she SOLD OUT completely after applying what she learned! No more breaking even or coming out with a loss over here.

Erin from Stacking It Up was featured in her first subscription box with an order of 1,000 bracelets!

Erin is the owner of a jewelry business and inside Product Biz Academy she learned how to find subscription boxes that are a RIGHT FIT, how to pitch her products, and how to EASILY fulfill the large order... and she ended up getting an order of 1,000 bracelets for a subscription box and got her products into the hands of 1,000 NEW customers!

Daisy from Little Buddha learned how to create a LAUNCH PLAN for new products... and got multiple pre-orders from customers AND retailers!

Daisy learned how to create true and lasting hype and excitement through the new product launch plan inside Product Biz Academy (instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall with new products)... which made her new men's skincare line a HUGE hit with her Instagram followers AND retailers, to the point that she received multiple messages, DMs, comments and pre-orders before the official launch! Talk about a marketing PRO!


Discover how to hire, train and manage your first employee 

Inside Module #6, you'll discover:

• The fastest way to define WHAT your first employee should take off your plate to free up your time

• The SIMPLE strategy behind creating a job description, finding applicants, interviewing and hiring… so you can find the PERFECT person to join your team 

• The EXACT strategy on how to pay your employee & file taxes without the overwhelm 

• The truth behind becoming a great manager and leader; how onboard, set expectations and manage your employees for long term success

But don't just take my word for it! Here's what other small business owners like you had to say about hiring their first employees:

Erin grew her business so much after joining Product Biz Academy that she hired her first employee to help pack orders and make products!

Erin from No Poo Products hired her first employee because her entire kitchen table began to be FILLED with orders so it was too much for her to handle on her own! And she learned the exact way to find an employee, hire, train, pay, and manage the employee from what she learned inside Product Biz Academy!

Kelley from Maddie and Me Handmade hired her first employee to keep up with increasing sales!

Kelley's business BLEW UP during her time in Product Biz Academy to the point that she needed to hire help so she could continue to fulfill orders and also be present with her 2 kids instead of spending every single spare minute with her business. With what she learned in Product Biz Academy, she was easily able step outside of her comfort zone to hire her first helper so she could keep making progress with her business while also spending time with her family.

Daisy from Little Buddha by Daisy was able to create a team that took care of running her business while she focused on GROWING the business

Daisy shares how there's no better feeling than being able to go to a business meeting for a new business opportunity... while her employees made products & packaged orders and her Virtual Assistant took care of all administrative tasks. Progress is being made even though she's not physically there, from what she learned inside Product Biz Academy! Is THAT the type of freedom that we all want, or what?


Simplifying TAXES and business foundations

Inside Module #7, you'll discover:

• The easiest way to legitimize your business with LLC, FEIN, REG-1 so you are confident that you're business is properly established

• How to pay sales tax on products sold, without the overwhelm

• The QUICKEST way to get set up with business bank accounts and credit cards, what you can deduct as a business expense, and how to keep track of your monthly bookkeeping so you are leveraging the tax benefits of running a business... and so when tax season comes around, you are READY to go!

Once you know how to manage your books inside Product Biz Academy, here's how simple it can be:

Erin from Stacking It Up was able to easily take care of getting her business set up with an LLC and FEIN

Taxes and IRS "stuff" doesn't have to be hard! Just look how easy it was for Erin to get her LLC and FEIN set up from what she learned in Product Biz Academy. No stress here, isn't that a DREAM?!

Rose saved HOURS, days, WEEKS during tax season and actually made taxes EASY on her!

Inside Product Biz Academy, you learn how to keep track of your income and expenses, without paying hundreds or thousands of dollars to a bookkeeper, so you can easily file your taxes during tax season rather than spending hours, days, WEEKS trying to reconcile right before they are due!

And it's not ONLY about the sales. Product Biz Academy is about creating a business that works FOR you...

So you get your weekends back, so you have the freedom to do what you LOVE, so you can leave your full time job, so you can live the life you've always DREAMED of, and so you can show yourself what's truly possible.

"I have grown so much in these last 6 months. It's been absolutely life changing'"

Robyn has been able to show herself what is truly possible after joining Product Biz Academy. From tripling her Instagram audience in 5 months, doubling her revenue from the previous year while doing LESS markets, growing her Etsy shop by over 3,000% (yes, that's right!) and also by being able to overcome mindset blocks that she didn't even realize were there. This is why you grow so much when you are part of Product Biz Academy, because you grow both professionally within your business AND personally as an individual.

"Now I get my weekends back to myself and I'm still having abundance flow in while I live and enjoy my life"

Daisy used what she learned in Product Biz Academy to build her business to the point that she's making $2,000 over the weekend while she takes the ENTIRE weekend off for self care, family time, and travel. No more markets every weekend... and instead, actually living life.


"I have a business that is working, thriving, and it’s growing in the direction I originally only dreamt of"

Kendra is a mom of three young kids and her husband is in medical school (so, her hands are full!) and she JUST hit her one year business anniversary. She's celebrating 500 sales on Etsy, getting accepted to Faire, her products stocked in a new store, and in the last 2 months she ALREADY made 50% of what she made in the ENTIRE prior year. And what's even more special is that she's building the business the she only ever DREAMT of having and is showing HERSELF what is truly possible.

Here's what the most recent Product Biz Academy class had to say about their transformational experience inside PBA:


Now, you might be wondering "This sound JUST like what I need! How much is my investment?

Product Biz Academy is NOT cheap. It's an investment that will show you how to GROW your business to the next level and turn it into a thriving, successful business.

It's not some $20-a-month Masterclass membership or $168 course that you sign up for and never use because the content just isn't relevant enough to you and your business or there's just no one to turn to when you have specific questions.

It's an investment in yourself, your business and your future that will pay you back for the rest of your life... through a business that grows to the point that it GIVES you the life you've always dreamed of.

It's a transformation that frees you from the chronic creative, the weekend warrior, the professional promoter that keeps you STUCK and struggling... and shows you how to become the CEO of your business so it can THRIVE.

What I teach you in Product Biz Academy is exactly what took my business to a quarter million in sales, 16,000 followers on Instagram, stocked in 150 stores nationwide, featured in over 50 subscription boxes, over 5,000 orders on Etsy, and more.

Knowing what I know now, I would have spent over $10,000+ to learn the EXACT information that I now teach you in PBA earlier on in my own business journey.

And I know that sounds like a lot...

But the truth is, the time, energy, stress, and money it could have saved me to know this information earlier in my business journey so I could make MORE sales, with less STRESS, sooner in my business journey, far exceeds that amount.

When you weigh the investment compared to the life you'll be able to create... then it's an easy choice.

Product Biz Academy is usually just $4,997.

However, because you are enrolling during a promotion, I've decided to take $2,000 off.

You can enroll Product Biz Academy today for just $2,997... or for 6 installments of $499.

That's right! Until this Thursday at 11:59pm, you can join me inside Product Biz Academy for just $499 today.


6 installments of $499
Or, click HERE to invest in full









But wait, there's more!

When you enroll, you'll also get $5,498 worth of additional BONUSES...

for FREE!

The 6 main modules of PBA will show you exactly how to sell more of your products and grow your business. But that's only the beginning.

When you join Product Biz Academy, you get 4 massive BONUSES that make your business stand out AND give you dedicated support to make your progress faster and your success easier.

Starting with....

BONUS #1 ($997)

AUGUST 26th BONUS ONLY*: A free rebrand OR photoshoot for your business so you STAND OUT from your competitors

These are the fundamental pieces needed for a STANDOUT business... and when you join Product Biz Academy* you get a free COMPLETE rebrand with a branding expert where you'll walk away with a new or refreshed logo, brand colors, brand fonts and more so you instantly connect with your target audience and become a no-brainer for them. OR, you can choose a FREE white backdrop product photoshoot (for up to 20 products) so you can confidently stand out on your website, on your wholesale line sheet, and on other selling platforms with your products.

*When you enroll in Product Biz Academy on August 26, 2024 before 11:59pm MT. 

*By popular demand... EXTENDED THROUGH AUGUST 29, when you enroll before doors close on August 29, 2024 before 11:59pm MT!


BONUS #2 ($2,997)

12 months of monthly coaching calls & live audits to answer your questions & keep you motivated!

When you enroll, you'll get access to monthly coaching calls to answer your questions, get direct feedback (live audits) on what you've been working on, and keep you accountable & motivated every month!

Each month's call will have a specific topic that correlates to a module inside PBA so you can implement what you learn from the module during the month and then get direct feedback and questions answered during the call (topics include: pricing audits, packaging/label audits, Faire audits, Etsy audits, website audits and more) so you have clarity and confidence with what you're working on and the RESULTS it will bring to your business!

PLUS, select calls will be tailored towards CEO mindset to create a championship mentality and overcome blocks (like the fear of judgement, failure, lack, scarcity) so you have the exact tools to grow personally and professionally to show up as your truest, most authentic, confident self to reach ANY goals you set out for yourself and your business.

*Replays will be available for all monthly coaching calls if you cannot make them live

BONUS #3 ($497)

Instant access to the Members Only private FB community!

You might be wondering "What if I have a quick question I need help with, where do I go to get help?"

When you enroll, you get instant access to the Members Only Private FB Community of dedicated and driven small business owners like you. This is a dedicated place for you to meet other small business owners in PBA, bounce ideas off each other, share strategies, ask questions, get support, get encouragement and get to know others in a similar spot as you. Plus, I'm in there daily answering questions and providing support whenever YOU need it to keep you on track & accountable!

BONUS #4 ($997)

A FREE ticket to the Product Biz Academy LIVE in-person 2-day event for member's only in Scottsdale, AZ! 

When you enroll, you'll receive a free ticket to the 2-day TRANSFORMATIONAL in-person event for Product Biz Academy members ONLY where you will spend 2 days immersed in business growth. Plus, you'll get the opportunity to meet the PBA community in person. This is an EXCLUSIVE event in Scottsdale, Arizona you DON'T want to miss! (2025 date TBA)

*Breakfast, lunch, drinks, venue and materials for event are included. Airfare and hotel/lodging is at your own expense.

THAT'S RIGHT! Let's do a quick recap!  

When you become a member of Product Biz Academy, you get:

 Instant access to 6 Product Biz Academy training modules - videos, worksheets, plug-n-play templates and step by step instructions that will show you exactly how to sell MORE of your products and GROW your business (Value: $4997)

AND you get a FREE professional re-brand or a FREE professional white backdrop product photoshoot so you can stand out against the competition by leveling up your branding/photos, where the cost is completely covered by me (Value: $997)

PLUS you get 12 months of coaching calls to answer questions, get direct feedback on what you've been working on, and keep you accountable & motivated each step of the way (Value: $2997)

You ALSO get instant access to our Members Only private FB community where you can ask questions 24/7, get to know others in a similar spot as you and get daily support from myself and the group (Value: $497)

PLUS you also get a FREE ticket to the next Product Biz Academy LIVE in-person event where you'll spend 2 days immersed in transformational business growth AND meet other PBA members in person (Value: $997)

Did I mention that you also have LIFETIME access to ALL new and updated content inside PBA, the FB community, AND all future PBA coaching calls? I know, it's seriously too good to be true! (Value: priceless)


($10,485 to be exact)


So now it's time for you to make one of two choices...

The first choice is to do nothing... and hope that you eventually figure it out on your own. To keep throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping that SOMETHING will stick, while knowing deep down that there COULD be so much more that you can achieve with your business... and feeling stuck in this forever limbo, not knowing how to make it happen.

If you already know that you want to get your products into the hands of more people and create the business you've always DREAMT of having... then your choice is obvious: join us inside Product Biz Academy so you can become the small business owner that's so proud to be running a thriving, successful business.

Simply click the button below and I will be waiting for you on the inside.

And choose quickly!

Because the enrollment period is only open for a few short days.

Enrollment into Product Biz Academy is only open until THIS Thursday - that's just a few days from now! After that, it'll be quite some time until you have a chance to join again.

And what's even more pressing is that you'll miss out on the chance to transform yourself, your business and your life starting today.

You CAN do it.

And I will be there to help.

So don't waste another day, week, month, YEAR dreaming about what could be... Join us now inside Product Biz Academy and make your dream a reality.

So... what will it be?











FAQ's about Product Biz Academy

Have a question you need answered before enrolling in Product Biz Academy? Here's a list of the most common questions and their answers. If you have any other questions, reach out to me and my team at [email protected] so we can get back to you ASAP!

1. What makes the members of PBA and their testimonials so successful?

Product Biz Academy was specifically created for the small business owner who feels like they are at a pivotal moment in their business - they've poured everything in their business and they know there’s more they can achieve; they want to change their life, their family's lives, and they KNOW it's possible... but they are stuck wondering what to do next to make that next leap in their business become a reality. 

What makes THIS program different is that I talk to you like the CEO of your business so you can go from being completely overwhelmed from doing 500 things at once because you’re don’t know WHAT to actually focus on so you try to do it ALL with your wheels are spinning in place... to being guided with a specific roadmap on what actually leads to more sales, the EXACT steps necessary to put that plan into action, and guidance from me along the entire way to ACTUALLY bring in the sales that you WANT in your business.  

The members of Product Biz Academy are so successful because of the combination of marketing, sales, business strategy + SIMPLE and to-the-point teachings + support from me through the roadblocks & challenges + leaderships coaching that gives you the unstoppable combination of foundational skills, putting it into practice to see results, and mindset to keep showing up and growing further. THIS is what leads to business growth. What I share with you is proven to work - not only from implementing with my own business that led to multiple 6 figures in sales, 16,000 followers on Instagram, stocked in 150 stores nationwide, featured in over 50 subscription boxes, over 5,000 orders on Etsy, and more...but it's ALSO proven to work from my members seeing INCREDIBLE results themselves, like $10,000 sales months in JANUARY! The proof is in the pudding, folks!  

2. I've already tried to grow my business through Etsy, wholesale platforms, Instagram without much luck... what makes this program different?

Here's what I see happen over and over: Most small business owners are trying to do a million things at once, throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping that something sticks and finally gives them a lucky break. 

They jump from one new idea to another new idea, based on advice from random friends or family members (do they REALLY know what it takes to grow a small business?), random blog posts or podcast episodes (is that ONE blog post or podcast episode REALLY going to change your entire business without any specifics to YOUR unique business?), some advice from other small business owners (how do you know what worked for them is ACTUALLY going to work for you?) or a ton of random cheap courses that were started but never finished... that you try to piece together.

I'm willing to bet that piecing it together on your own probably didn't work out so well... otherwise you wouldn't be here. 

The truth is, without the full picture strategy of how to run a successful business, without knowing marketing & selling & platform optimization & e-commerce to sell, without knowing how to overcome roadblocks when you hit them to keep going... then the chances are, you'll go back to what you’ve always done, without ever seeing the results you want. 

Product Biz Academy is different because I give you the complete roadmap for the success for your business (not just one random part of it), the EXACT steps necessary to put that plan into action (in simple, easy-to-implement action steps rather than confusing/vague instructions), and guidance along the way (I won’t leave you stranded, my job is to guide you to your goal). I'm sharing the entire puzzle with you so you know what to do – and how to do it – to actually grow your business. And that's exactly why you need to join. 

3. I sell a really specific/niche type of product... will this program work for me?

Here's the truth - marketing and selling principles are universal. That means, no matter what product you sell - if you're selling high end products (like genuine gemstone jewelry, fine art, high end gourmet products)... or if you're selling handmade products that anyone can use (like soap, skincare, candles, ceramics)... or if you're selling super niche products (like cozy mystery book boxes, toddler punk t-shirts, x-ray markers for rad tech's) - the SAME marketing and selling principles apply to you AND everyone else. 

If you are a product business owner with a handmade component, then this program WILL work for you. That's why my members see success across SO many different product categories – CBD skincare, sarcastic swear-word candles, bold polymer clay jewelry, ceramic floral plates and mugs, kids edgy clothing, retro 90's stickers, tattoo essential oil blends, dog bandanas and bows, bracelet craft kits, book themed gift sets, high end gemstone jewelry, chocolate chip cookies, dog essential oil blends, DIY embroidery kits, cement art, fine art, women's & kid's headbands, novelty donut soaps, kid’s sensory play bins, and more... just to name a few! So yes, this program will work for you, too. 

4. I sell products in a very saturated market and I'm not sure that selling online will even work for me... is PBA a good fit for me?

Chances are, you are seeing other small businesses with similar items to yours AND big box stores with similar items AND they might even be priced cheaper than you so you are wondering how it's even possible, so you revert back to markets where people can touch/see/smell/feel your products and talk to you as your main selling avenue because it's too hard or challenging to sell anywhere else. I get it!

The truth is… unless you have a patent, basically every single one of us is selling in a saturated market. And while the small business world may be saturated... it's NOT saturated with dedicated small business owners who are willing and committed to learn marketing & selling in order to stand out online.

While most small business owners take the easy way out with markets (while simultaneously capping their growth), the smart small business owners are the ones that are investing the time, energy, and resources to learn how to actually connect with customers that are shopping online - and these are the small business owners who DO see real results.

The entire point of PBA is for you to learn HOW to stand out and sell more online.That's why my members see success across SO many different product categories.

Plus, the small business world being saturated is EXACTLY why I am offering a FREE re-brand or photoshoot bonus so you can stand out from the rest. With the re-brand, you will connect with your target audience and become a no-brainer for them with branding that they relate to. With the photoshoot, you will confidently stand out against your competitors on your website, on your wholesale line sheet, and on other selling platforms like Etsy & Faire with product photography that stands out.

At the end of the day, it's not a matter of how saturated the market is because that is inevitable... it's a matter of how committed you are willing to be.

5. How does the re-brand bonus and photoshoot bonus work, what does it look like?

After you enroll in Product Biz Academy, you'll fill in a form to choose the re-brand bonus or photoshoot bonus.* The form includes details and examples so you can see the style and end results of both packages. And if you aren't sure which one to choose, you can post in the Facebook group for feedback!

If you choose the re-brand bonus, you will be connected with our amazing brand designer who will work with you to create your brand strategy; you'll meet weekly across 3-4 weeks to make sure she has your brand vision accurately portrayed so she can bring your vision to life. The end deliverables you will receive are a new logo, font files, colors, brand research and summary of style so you can stand out against your competitors and connect with your target audience.

If you choose the photoshoot option, you will be connected with our incredible photographer to create a shot list for up to 20 products, determine the specific photos you want, and then you'll ship your products to her to be photographed. The end deliverables you will receive are white backdrop photos for up to 20 products so you can stand out with your products on all e-commerce platforms. 

Did I forget to mention that you get to choose one of the above bonuses for FREE*? Yup, that's right! When you enroll in Product Biz Academy, you get to choose between a re-brand or photoshoot... that you get for FREE!*

Please know that the order that our brand designers and photographers work with Product Biz Academy members is based on (1) those who invest in full for PBA are FIRST in line and then (2) the remaining order is determined by the order that you enrolled in PBA. So, for example, if you invested in full or enrolled right when doors opened, then you will be first in line to work with our brand designers and photographers... vs. if you enrolled the minute before doors to PBA closed, you may be towards the end of the line to redeem your free re-brand or photoshoot based on when the designers and photographers are finished with the work that's in que. Our goal is to have all photoshoots and re-brands in process within 60-90 days of enrollment and if you want to be FIRST in line, then invest in full OR enroll in PBA right when doors open!

*By popular demand... EXTENDED THROUGH AUGUST 29, when you enroll before doors close on August 29, 2024 before 11:59pm MT!

6. I want to grow my Instagram following a bit more before I join to make the most of this program.  

A small following isn't a problem because growing your Instagram followers and learning how to CONNECT with your followers for more sales is EXACTLY what I'll be showing you inside PBA, so you’ll be in the perfect spot no matter how many followers you currently have. Previous Product Biz Academy members have had between 200 followers and 5,000+ followers when joining and have seen incredible results on both sides of the range. 

How long have you been trying to grow your Instagram following without moving the needle much further? Isn’t it time to learn how to connect with your audience and grow your following with marketing and selling strategies that you’ll learn inside PBA that actually work, instead of postponing your progress even longer by continuing to TRY to figure it all out on your own? Why keep spinning your wheels, when there’s a program that will help you to do it the right way that gives you real results? 

Plus, you’ll also learn marketing and selling strategies for ADDITIONAL selling platforms and OTHER ways to get in front of new customers for more sales when you join, so all of your eggs WON’T be in the Instagram basket. So you’ll get value from PBA no matter where your Instagram following is currently at.  

7. I struggle with putting myself and my products out there. Sometimes I feel like my products aren't ready or professional enough just yet. Am I good fit for PBA?   

I get it - I struggled with this before, too. And the truth is, it's not a matter of feeling "ready" when things are "perfect" before investing in your business. Because there's no such thing as perfect, and waiting only leads to more waiting. It’s simply a matter of taking a stance and CHOOSING you are ready because you have DREAMS to go after and GOALS to reach. It’s your choice to be ready, not anyone else's.

You don't need external validation for your products, how professional they are or how far along your business is... YOU get to choose what playing field you are on. And I hope you choose to make bold moves, even when you don't feel 100% ready - because that's where real growth and progress come from. Trust me when I say this: "I waited until the PERFECT moment when I felt COMPLETELY ready and all the stars ALIGNED before I went ALL IN with my business" - said no successful small business owner ever. You, my friend, are ready now... and don't let yourself talk yourself out of it!

So, will you make the choice that you ARE ready and that your DESERVE to be in the room that will help you reach your dreams, too?

8. I love the creative side but I'm overwhelmed with the tech side of owning a small business! Do I need to be tech-savvy in order to make this work?

Running a business requires both business skills and creative skills - and whenever tech is involved, I will give you step by step instructions inside Product Biz Academy so you can get it done, with access to things like plug-n-play templates for your wholesale linesheet (making it super simple to drag and drop photos, fill in, and finish), fill in the blank templates for store outreach (so you know what to say when you pitch your products), pricing templates to figure out the right, profitable price for your products (rather than guessing on what to sell your products at), and so much more – I specifically made the content consumable and easy to use so you can make progress and see results ASAP. 

Trust me when I say that Product Biz Academy is the ANTIDOTE to overwhelm. It’s designed to walk you through growing your business step by step so you DON’T have the hassle or stress of trying to figure it out yourself... so you can get it done and start to see results ASAP.   

9. I'm busy with a lot of responsibilities (I work full-time, I have kids, I homeschool, and/or I'm in school right now...) - how much time will this program take? 

If you're sitting here thinking "I don't have the time", that means you need this program more than anyone. It's not a reason why NOT to join - that's the reason why you SHOULD join.    

If you don't have the time and are feeling overwhelmed, it's probably because you are so busy trying to figure out how to build your business on your own, juggling a million different things at once because you aren’t sure where to focus or what will lead to results. 

But if you knew EXACTLY how to build your business... you would have more time, right? And you'd feel less overwhelmed, wouldn't you?   

So that fact that you don't have the time means you haven't built your business the way I am going to show you inside Product Biz Academy. 

Wouldn't it be much easier, less time consuming and less overwhelming if you had a simple plan to follow with step-by-step instructions?   

So if you say "I don't have the time" that means you need this program more than ANYONE... so you can get your time back!

10. Is this program for beginners or established business owners?

Product Biz Academy is the complete roadmap to grow your business, no matter where you are right now.

Product Biz Academy leads to transformation results for both newer small businesses AND established small businesses because of the simple fact that everyone – no matter what stage you are at in business – can grow, uplevel and evolve in marketing and selling. Business is a constant evolution and growth never ends. No one is too new OR too advanced for the marketing, selling and mindset strategies that I share with you in PBA. Joining is less about where you are currently at in your business journey – and more about who you are willing to be, what level you are willing to play at, and where you want to go with your goals and dreams. Some Product Biz Academy members started with just 6 sales on Etsy while others were on the way to their first 6-figure year - and BOTH types of businesses belonged in the room and saw growth. Ready to join us?

11. What results can I expect to see? How quick will I see results? 

Here’s a bit of tough love – the people who ask this question, are usually the ones looking for a QUICK fix to get rich quick and are wondering how fast THIS program or THAT program will take to “get there”. 

My members have seen incredible results with dedication and commitment; growing their Etsy shop by 6000% in one year, tripling their Instagram audience in less than 6 months, having their first $10,000 month and first $15,000 sales month, and even having their first 6-figure year. The truth is, the results that you see are up to the extent you take ACTION with the information you learn inside Product Biz Academy. Growing your business to new levels WILL require work. The good part is, I've outlined the exact steps for you to take… the rest is up to you.   

12. Can't I just figure it out myself?

Absolutely. That's what I did. But it took me 3 years of trial and error PLUS 8 years of corporate marketing experience, I made a ton of mistakes along the way to figure it all out (and those mistakes cost both time and money) and I was burned out, exhausted, and overwhelmed while doing it. Looking back, it was brutal doing it on my own. Which is exactly why I created Product Biz Academy – so others don’t have to go through it alone like I did. 

Trust me, I’ve been there. So why stumble around in the dark when someone can give you the light? Why make mistake after mistake that could cost you so much time and lost sales when you can get a shortcut that leads to actual results?   

Doing everything on your own is one of the biggest forms of procrastination and self-sabotage. When you join a program, you're forced out of your comfort zone to THINK bigger and DO bigger. And the truth is, going outside of your comfort zone is actually something that most people CAN'T figure out how to do themselves, am I right or am I right? Which is exactly why you need to join us. 

13. What can I expect once I enroll in Product Biz Academy? How long is the program?

Once you enroll in Product Biz Academy, you’ll get instant access to all of the content (modules, videos, instructions, worksheets, templates) through your own username and password to log in to our training portal. That means you can start watching the videos with step-by-step instructions and start using the worksheets inside the program to grow your business RIGHT away!   

Inside the course you'll also receive instant access to join the members only Product Biz Academy Facebook group so you can jump RIGHT into the small biz community, plus the schedule for monthly coaching calls so you can add them to your calendar and block out time to join. 

PLUS you get lifetime access to the content inside Product Biz Academy - anytime I have updates or new strategies, you'll get access to those as well (at ZERO additional cost to you!) – lifetime access to the Facebook community for continued support – and lifetime access to next year’s (and the following year’s and so on) coaching calls inside Product Biz Academy. This is the LAST program or course you will EVER have to sign up for because you will have everything you need for the lifetime of your business. 

14. Is there a payment plan? How does it work?

You can enroll in Product Biz Academy with the 6 month installment plan where you will be charged only $499 today. Then, a month from today, you will automatically be charged another $499. This will continue each month until 6 installments are completed. That means you can join Product Biz Academy and dive into the content and support for just $499 today.

Or, you can enroll in Product Biz Academy with a one­-time investment.  

15. I really want to join, but I’ve spent so much money on supplies and applying for markets.  

I would never ask anyone to invest in a program if it is truly outside of their means. If you are currently struggling to pay for food, electricity, rent, then I 100% agree that Product Biz Academy is not the right place to invest your money at this point in time.   

If this program IS in your means… and you aren’t sure about the investment required, because it’s a little (or a LOT) outside of your comfort zone, then think of it this way: 

When you participate in a market, the booth fee can be up to $350 for ONE day of selling… and small business owners are paying this amount constantly throughout the year. Sure, you make some money during the market, but after the market is over, is there any residual benefit? Is that market from November bringing you any sales in January or February? Or is it just a one-day sales boost… and that’s it?  

On the other hand, when you invest in Product Biz Academy you learn how to create MORE sales not just for ONE day, but starting today AND for the rest of this week, this month, this year, next year, and ON. Which is why my members are hitting their first 6-figure year from what they learn inside the program (with NO markets at all, coincidentally!) 

Why NOT invest for your long-term growth that has an even BIGGER payback than a one-day or two-day market that can cost up to $350 or more? Why not invest in something that will show you how to grow your business for the long run? Why not go after your dreams head first? 

Product Biz Academy is not cheap because it's an investment in yourself, your business and your future. And when you weigh the investment compared to the growth, freedom, SALES and success you'll see... then it's an easy choice. 

16. What if the program isn't the right fit for me? Can I cancel at any time?  

I am confident if you follow what's inside Product Biz Academy, your business will grow to new levels that you haven't seen before. If you DO the work and USE the resources available, your business WILL grow. That's a fact. 

Because of this, I do not offer any refunds or cancellations… because I am that confident that this program will work for you. 

17. Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

As a member of Product Biz Academy, I want you to know that I have your back and want you get the support and feedback you need to take your business to the level you've only DREAMT of!

The private members-only Facebook group is the dedicated place for you to meet other small business owners in PBA, bounce ideas off each other, share strategies, ask questions, get support from myself and others, get encouragement and get to know others in a similar spot as you

Monthly training calls will also give you guidance on the modules and will be the time to answer your questions LIVE, clear up doubts and KEEP you motivated & accountable so that you have nothing getting in the way of reaching the next level in your business.

If you have any technical issues with your membership, you can email my team at [email protected]

18. Will Product Biz Academy be offered again? I don't feel like now is the right time for me and my business.

Product Biz Academy is only open until THIS Thursday at midnight MST. If now is not the right time, well… when is the right time? When will you know it's the right time? How long have you been putting your business off to the side and using "now isn't the time, I'm not ready to to take that next step in my business" as the reason? How much longer are you willing to put it off?    

You will never feel “ready” to make a big step in your business, no matter what it is. There’s no such thing as “ready” when you’re a small business owner. But when you get clear on something you want and you get committed to making it happen, you MAKE the time and you DECIDE that you are ready.   

And that's the choice you're going to have to make right now... are you going to continue putting your business to the side until someday oneday (which may never come) or are you going to MAKE it happen. Because if not now… when? This is your sign that’s it IS time for you to take this next step in your business!

The truth is, the future of your business is up to the decisions you make today. So what decision will you make? 

19. I want to enroll, but I have some specific questions about the program. Who can I reach out to?

I'm here to help you make the decision if this is a good fit for you and your business! Email me at [email protected] and I can answer any and all of your questions via email or we can schedule a 30 minute call to talk in more detail.

Learn more about your coach! 

Monica Little grew her handmade organic skincare small business to over a quarter of a million dollars in sales in 3 years by becoming a master in e-commerce marketplaces that led to over 5,000 orders on Etsy, her products sold in over 150 stores worldwide, featured in over 50 subscription boxes, with over 16,000 Instagram followers, and more.

Now she mentors other small business owners and shows them how to build their business for lasting results, too. She's the creator or Product Biz Academy, a program that shows the dedicated and committed small business owner how to make their mark, grow their business, make more money AND share their passion with the world.

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ⓒ 2024 Monica Little Coaching