EP 3: The 3 marketing secrets to stand out and sell out on Etsy

Getting more views and sales on Etsy is not as easy as creating a new listing haphazardly, with no strategy, and then the sales just magically appear. Getting more views and sales on Etsy is not as easy as mindlessly adjusting your titles, tags, and keywords for endless hours, with no strategy, and then the sales magically appear. Getting more views and sales on Etsy is about what the customer needs. And what the customer needs comes down... marketing. The more you use marketing to STAND OUT... the more you beat the algorithm to SELL OUT. By the time you finish listening, you'll learn: - The 3 marketing secrets to beat the algorithm so you stand out AND sell out on Etsy - How to appear in the first page search results and the top 3 mistakes most small business owners make - How to attract attention to your listing when you're in a sea of competiting products, so the shopper clicks on your listing instead of everyone else's - How to confirm the customer's expectations so they have no question left unaswered from your listing and so they are ready to add your product to their cart - How to give the Etsy shopper trust so they make the purchase decision - How to give the Etsy platform trust so Etsy shows your products and listings to more shoppers for more views and sales for the long run!