EP 91: Overcoming the need to prove yourself with Megan Blacksmith
Feb 29, 2024
The need to prove something to someone, the belief that we can only relax and be happy with our day if it was “productive”, the thoughts that "nothing is working for me", the fear of reaching out to that influencer or showing your face on your Instagram stories… What do these all have in common?
These are common limiting beliefs of business owners.
When I prove myself to THIS person, then I will be happy.
When I am productive, then I can be happy with my day.
When I get rejected, it means I’m a failure.
When things aren’t working out for me, it means I’m not capable or it’s not possible.
These limiting beliefs lead us to feelings of self doubt, overwhelm, frustration… and they also lead us to constantly stay in busy mode.
Because being busy means we can avoid the uncomfortable work, being busy means we can avoid the courage that is needed, being busy means we can avoid disappointment or rejection or any negative emotion.
And before you know it, being busy has stopped progress from happening in your business. And this is what we call self-sabotage.
Today’s special guest, Megan from @becomingzesty, shares with you how to overcome these limiting beliefs, why language is so important for success, and how you can start to create habits and act as if you already have what you want, in order to shake these limiting beliefs for good.
Megan Blacksmith is a speaker, NLP Trainer and mindset ninja. She is the co-founder of Zesty and the Becoming Zesty podcast. She trains coaches, practitioners and leaders with the tools for faster (inner) transformation without fighting themselves along the way through Functional NLP, a combination of the principles of NLP, functional medicine and compassionate coaching.
Click here to listen to this episode of the Product Biz Podcast!
Follow Megan on Instagram @becomingzesty
Get your freebies when you visit https://becomingzesty.com
Website: www.monicalittlecoaching.com
Instagram: @monicalittlecoaching
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